Monday, October 14, 2024

The Sun in the Sky And Homemade Pie


From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the Lord's name is to be praised.  Psalm 113:3 KJV

Coming out of the garage looking due east in the morning, a few things catch your eye.  First, the sunrise really stands out.  The sun's rays at first yield a pinkish hue and then, as if to catch everyone's attention and announce, "It's morning.  Get a move on!" The yellow-red beams shine brightly.  They light up a bazillion acorns that have fallen overnight from the live oaks overhead.  It is amazing how many acorns are on the ground.  

The squirrels are going to be SO fat.  There are two less squirrels in the population.  My neighbor popped two out of the live oaks in the front.  It's squirrel season and we'll be thinning out their number.  I'm okay with them eating acorns, but when they get in the pecan trees, that's another story, entirely.

The Toyota Tacoma is in really good shape for a 2000 model, but it is in dire need of a polish.  We've done it before, but it seems to fade quickly.  That's my project for the fall.  I'm going to watch some You Tube videos on how to make your paint job come alive again and I'll use compound and a rotary buffer and then wax to make it look like new again.

It was my birthday on the 12th.  Tricia asked me what kind of cake I wanted.  Instead of a birthday cake, I chose a birthday pie.  There is nothing like homemade pie and a cup of coffee.  She asked me what kind and I answered, "Chocolate pie with meringue."  She surprised me with two pies!

The first is chocolate pie with homemade crust and meringue.  Look at the peaks on it!  It was so doggone good.  We finished it up tonight.

The second pie, the lagniappe pie, was a homemade pecan pie.  The pecans were from our trees and they were harvested before the squirrels got them.  So good and the crust was buttery and flaky.

In the late afternoon, I took a walk to check the mail at the mailbox and kept walking out into a field in front of the house and took a photo of the painting that God was doing on the canvas of the western sky.  Breathtaking!

We are so blessed.  We may not have everything we want, but we have everything we need.  Yes, from the rising to the setting sun, His Name is to be praised.

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