Thanksgiving. My favorite holiday. It seems that the weather is simply perfect. The fragrant aroma of delicious food wafts through the kitchen and even outdoors. And last but not least is family. It was nice to have Laura Lee in from Baton Rouge, where she teaches school. And Russ, our senior horticulture major from LSU came in. It was nice to have the whole family under one roof. I heard some noises coming from Benjamin's room and they were all in his bed, laughing and enjoying being together.
Being together. That is a recurring theme. In addition to our five family members, my Mom and Dad, my great aunt, my sister, her husband and her six boys, and my brother and his wife and their chocolate lab, Scout, were in attendance. As far as the other animals, namely our milk cows, goats, and chickens, they weren't invited. They did require some attention, though. They don't celebrate Thanksgiving and still require to be milked and fed prior to us enjoying the food and festivities of the day.
Tricia cooked quite a meal and my Mom, sister, and sister-in-law brought all sorts of delicious food. We held hands in a big circle and thanked the Good Lord for all the many blessings in our lives and went around the circle telling things we were each thankful for. Then we ate and visited and ate some more. Then we played some games that we enjoyed immensely. First was a game for the kids - a game to see who was the fastest, so we timed them with smart phones. It works like this. Each participant has a bowl with 10 M&Ms in it and an empty cut set beside it. They are given a drinking straw that's been cut in half and the object of the game is to suck the M&M up out of the bowl with the drinking straw and transfer it to the cup. You aren't allowed to use your hands other than the one holding the straw. Everyone, I suppose, is a winner, though, as you are allowed to eat your M&Ms.
Graham & Hayes competing |
At the end of the game our two semi-finalists - the two that had the best times, competed against each other to see who the champion M&M sucker was. The time of the two fastest was only separated by 1/10th of a second. In the championship round, Hayes obliterated his competition and won handily.
Conner & Russ |
Then we played a game for both adults and kids, not to say that the adults couldn't have played the previous game. We each got a toothpick and separated into two teams. We lined up and the first person in each line was given a Lifesaver. Without using hands and with the toothpick in your mouth, you had to pass the lifesaver from person to person. The first team to pass it all the way down the line wins!
Conner to Russ |
Depending upon the height of the players, one person has to bend down and reposition in order to pass the lifesaver from person to person.
Russ to Laura Lee |
There's lots of excitement as the lifesaver is passed from one person to another. It is definitely a game in which your personal space is invaded. Especially after a big Thanksgiving meal, it might be a good idea for everyone to gargle with Scope or at least eat a lifesaver before playing!
Benjamin to Brooks (Bita) |
There were no eyes poked out in the game, which was good. Here dad passes the lifesaver to Mom. Mom would "run the anchor leg," passing the lifesaver to Julee Rae.
Dad to Mom |
A friend of Benjamin's dropped by after the meal and games and became the Designated Photographer. His role was to take the family photo in the backyard. We were able to assemble the entire tribe for the picture. Even Scout, the chocolate lab took part in the photo shoot.
The whole Family |
God has been so good to us. Our lives are not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, and we all have our fair share of struggles, trials, and discouragements, but we are thankful for the LORD, who will not abandon us and a family that won't either!
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