Sunday, August 2, 2015

Lima Beans, By All Means

Back in April I planted two different varieties of lima beans that we got at a seed exchange at a sustainable agriculture conference.  I planted them next to a panel of concrete reinforcement fencing for them to climb on.  And climb they did!

Lima Beans Ready to Pick
They grew and grew and grew.  I began to wonder if these were Jack and the Beanstalk beans.  They grew so high that it bent over the panel so that it hung down, making a 'tunnel' of lima beans.  Lots of leaves and vines, for sure.

Lots of Foliage
Everything else in the garden is playing out, but new leaves and vines are still being put out by the lima bean plants.

Still Growing!
I climbed into the "lima bean tunnel" with a big bowl and began picking the lima bean pods that were fat.  That let me know that there were beans that were ripe inside.  I would hope that there are more beans coming as so far the plants are putting out a ton of leaves, but only a few lima beans.

Bowl of beans
We shelled the lima beans quickly.  The Henderson lima beans were just a pale green color, but the Speckled lima beans were beautifully colored.

Speckled Limas and Henderson Limas
Some people don't like to eat lima beans, but I find that they are delicious, especially if a little bacon or tasso is added to the pot while you are cooking them.

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