Thursday, November 14, 2024

An Update on Benjamin


Russ, Tricia & Benjamin

It's been over a year ago that Benjamin was severely injured in a terrible accident.  I don't want to replay it all, but you can go HERE to read about it.  He's made lots of progress since then and has been back at work for months.  He does, however, need another surgery on his right foot.  The reason is that the nerves and tendons on that foot have pulled tight due to the injury resulting in a curling of the toes.  With the toes curled up, he walks on them and this causes pain, especially in his work boots.  At the end of the day, he's in pain, and this causes him to walk with a limp.

We've seen a surgeon at LOS (Louisiana Orthopaedic Specialists), and Benjamin has surgery scheduled for early December, if it all works out with his job.  We pray that this will be approved by his place of employment as he needs to have this done after having it put off for a while.  Another reason to do it is because he's met his deductible for the year.  The surgeon intends to cut open the bottom of his foot and do some work releasing some of the nerves and tendons and then work on his big toe as well.  This surgery will require 3 months in a boot and he'll be non-load bearing and won't be able to drive.  He'll be back in rehab once he's load bearing again.

To be honest, it's more than we were counting on and with a longer recovery period than originally thought.  It's easy to get a little discouraged, but when I do, I think back to the night of September 4 last year when we didn't know if he would survive and if he did, if he'd be paralyzed.  God has enabled him to make a phenomenal recovery.  Praise His Name!  The surgeon told us that after recovery "his gait will be improved."  His doctor told him that he'd run again, and I am counting on that to happen by God's grace.  It's in God's Hands and we trust Him.

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