Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Copper for the Goats

So we noticed that the goats' coats started getting wiry and dry and also they've had problems with foot rot.  When your copper levels are right, you don't have all these problems.  It's been a year and four months since our last copper treatments, so it's time to do it again.

We ordered copper boluses off the Internet.  Ultra Cruz Goat Copper Bolus for Adults.  (Adult goats, that is).   The bolus is simply a gelatin capsule with copper oxide "shavings".  Each bolus is 4 grams and is a slow release form of copper.  If the goat is > 50 lbs. and > 3 months, they can get a 4 gram bolus.

We've stuck it in a banana and fed it to them or stuck it in a slice of balled up bread.  Sometimes they spit it up, though.  We opted to give it with a de-worming pill syringe.  We put some peanut butter in the plunger and then put the copper bolus so that it sticks in there and won't fall out.  Then we put some more peanut butter on top.  The goats like peanut butter, and it helps them to swallow the bolus.

Copper pill popper

The little tool is long and enables you to get the bolus in.

Past the lips and over the gums, lookout stomach, here it comes!

You grab the goat and lift its head up and use your fingers to open the mouth.  The syringe goes in and you try to push it down a bit and then hit the plunger.  The goat will taste the peanut butter and swallow it down.

Crocks with socks (very stylish!)

Except sometimes, even as hard as you try, they spit it up.  We don't give up.  We keep trying until we get the copper down them.  The bolus will last from 8 months to a year.  In the past, we've seen the health and vitality of their coats get better along with a reduction in their susceptibility of foot rot.  Hopefully, we'll see the same results with this dose.

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