Thursday, July 6, 2023

Please Make the Fleas Flee

Poor Belle has been scratching.  The hot, dry days of summer has been almost unbearable, but an infestation of fleas that has been worse than we've ever seen, has made Belle's summer miserable.  Time to do something about it.  Step 1 was giving her a bath to get them off.  Tricia did some research and mixed up a solution of vinegar and Dawn dishwashing liquid.

This was only the second bath that Belle has had.  We didn't know exactly how she was going to deal with it.  We wet her down and then slowly poured the solution on her.  She didn't object too badly.

We scrubbed and scrubbed.  The sudsy action cleaned her up, but we noticed the fleas fleeing.  Soon, they were dying.  Then, they were dead.  

The dawn and vinegar supposedly kills and/or repels fleas.  We saw quite a few fleas in Belle's long hair, but they were no longer moving after the bath.  We used a brush to brush them all out.

We also got some flea treatment that we put on her back in four spots - from her shoulder to the head of her tail.  We blew out the garage with the leaf blower and then I sprayed a flea killing pesticide around the garage.  We do NOT want them coming in the house.  After watching Belle for a while, she's no longer scratching near as much as she was doing before.

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