Thursday, February 2, 2023

A Month Later...

Exactly a month ago we planted all of our tomatoes, eggplant, and pepper seeds.  We kept them inside until they germinated and got their first leaves.  Then we moved them out in the sun as long as the temps were well above freezing.  On a baker's rack, we made a small green house by wrapping it in plastic and fastening it down.  When the sun shines, even on cold days, the sides of the plastic fogs up.  It warms up pretty good with the solar heating and the plants have grown.  It'll be in the 30's tonight, so we moved the mini greenhouse back indoors.

The tomatoes have grown pretty good.  They're getting a little 'leggy' so I might repot them.  According to the Farmer's Almanac, the last Spring frost for our zip code is March 1st, so I won't put them in the ground much before then.  We have a ways to go until we get there.  

For our eggplant, every single seed germinated.  The peppers weren't as good.  The ones that are up look healthy, so I'll not complain.

While sitting in front of the fire tonight, I got out the Louisiana Vegetable planting guide and brushed up on planting dates.  I'm getting excited to plant.  If that sounds like cabin fever has set in, you're exactly right.  It has been raining all week long.  The ground is absolutely saturated.  We won't be planting anything until after the soil dries up.  Beginning tomorrow we'll have four days with nice sunshine.

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