Sunday, February 19, 2023

2022 Rainfall - By The Numbers

Well, I normally have this post up early in January.  Either more is going on to distract me, or I am slowing down.  Regardless, here's the information that I tallied tonight.  Rainfall, it's an important thing when you are growing a garden or growing grass for your cows, goats, and chickens.  2022 started out to be a normal year, but by April, May, and especially June, we knew that we were in for a dry year.

As it turns out, 2022 ended up being the driest year on record since we started tracking rainfall in 2013.  We now have a full 10 years of data to compare, and I always find it interesting to look at.  First, we established that 2022 was the driest - a full 1.4 inches less than back in 2014.  Over the ten year period, we average 65.89 inches each year.  We were a full 9.15 inches less than the 10 year average.  In ten years we've had 55 FEET of rainfall!

May was our wettest month and June was our driest month in 2022.  May is our wettest month for the ten year period, but June being so dry was an oddity.  Normally, March is our driest.

For an interesting statistic, if we were planning picnics during 2022, it would seem that the 16th of the month was a good day to picnic.  It never rained on the 16th during any month of the year in 2022.  So far for 2023 we are having an above normal January and February as far as rainfall goes.  We'll see how the rest of the year goes and report back in 11 months.

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