Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Dad's Old Oak Tree Talk

Tonight's post is a little bit different from anything we've ever put up on the blog.  I've opened a YouTube channel and will periodically post videos.  Probably not many of me, though!  I don't like the way I sound on audio or look on video, ha ha!  

The post tonight is one I think you'll enjoy.  I certainly did.  I am extremely proud of it.  It is a family treasure, to be truthful.  Grab a cup of coffee or hot tea and sit down for a 12 minute video.  A little background on how this came about:  A gentleman at my Dad's church teaches a Sunday School class that's comprised of 5th and 6th grade young men.  This teacher asked many of the men of the church to put together a talk to tell the young men about their occupations and how their faith plays a role in their careers.  My Mom and my brother talked Dad into videotaping his presentation under the old live oak at the old Sonnier homeplace in Oberlin, Louisiana.  This is my Dad's talk:

I'm proud of my Dad (and Mom) for raising me and giving me a love for the Lord and a love for the land.

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