Monday, August 29, 2022

Trying a New Thing with Okra

Our three rows of okra has really produced this year.  We've given a lot away.  We've eaten a lot - mostly oven fried okra, stewed okra with tomatoes and onions, okra with ground meat over rice, and pickled okra.  We began putting bags of cooked okra up in the freezer for "gumbo season."  We even eat some of it raw.

We never tried dehydrating it and thought we would try that out.  Here is a day's picking of the three varieties we grow: Clemson spineless, burgundy, and Beck's Big okra.

Prior to dehydrating, Tricia blanched the okra.  Notice how the burgundy okra loses its color:

She cut the okra in half and laid out on the trays of the dehydrator.  She dehydrated them on the vegetable setting for 12 hours.

And then they were dehydrated.  We ate a bunch of them.  Crunchy.  Tasty.

They are probably 1/3 or 1/4 the size of what they were when we put them in the dehydrator.

The remaining ones that we didn't eat were stored in a quart-sized mason jar.

We'll snack on them.  I like them.  I'll experiment and shake some salt and other seasonings in the jar to add a little "pop."

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