Monday, April 25, 2022

Spring Garden in Late April (Part I)

Let's look at the spring garden, shall we?  This shot is looking from south to north.  It shows the garden in total, but you can't get a good idea of what exactly is growing.  To do that, after this photo, we'll start on the north end and work our way back south.  This photo does give a good indication of the Back to Eden Gardening method.  You'll notice a 4 inch layer of mulch is spread out over the entire garden, blocking out weeds and preserving soil moisture.

Against the fence we have a row of Lemon Queen sunflowers.  Then, hard to see, we have four eggplant and numerous pepper plants of all varieties.  There's also a parsley plant about to go to seed.

The very front of the garden is in a transitional stage.  You can see straightneck and crookneck yellow squash growing.  In the middle, you see lettuce from the fall crop that is going to seed.  I'm saving those seeds once fully dry.  Then I'll chop and drop the lettuce plant and mulch over it and the squash will occupy where the lettuce currently is.  There is some spinach that is going to seed on the right hand side of the photo.  I'll be saving those seeds, too.

One of the four hills of zucchini squash:

Black-eyed peas and a row of Stowell's Evergreen Sweet corn.

Contender Green Beans and Blue Lake Green Beans.

Italian Roma II Green Beans and then on the trellis, we have 3 types of cucumbers: Boston Pickling Cucumbers, Mademore Cucumbers and (just popping up) Suyo Long Cucumbers.

This crazy jungle is cilantro that is going to seed.  The coriander seeds it produces will self seed and once again, we'll have volunteer cilantro popping up next winter without having to plant.  I'm figuring something else to plant in this spot once the seeds drop.

Four rows of onions nearing harvest.  The varieties are Yellow Granex, Texas Sweet 1015, White, and Creole.

They are nice sized now and haven't finished growing yet.  Looks to be a good crop.

Tomorrow, we'll pick up with Part II.

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