Sunday, March 20, 2022

Solitary Confinement

This is a mean little Aracuna hen that finds herself (once again) in solitary confinement.  There was a time when she earned her freedom.  Five months ago, she roamed the pasture and enjoyed the freedom of a free range bird.  Then, she betrayed that confidence and began to shimmy through the 4x4 wires of the perimeter fence in the garden.  That citation earned the perp hard time in the chicken tractor months ago, prior to getting the meat birds.  You can see the remnants of their feathers on the ground below.

When the meat birds arrived, she was put on parole, and put back in general population.

All went well - for a time.  And then, I found her in the garden... twice.  She was scratching at the dirt around the onion plants.  She was making quite a mess.  I caught her and through her back out over the fence and into the pasture.  Faster than you can say, "I'd like a spicy chicken sandwich" at Popeye's, she was back in the garden wreaking havoc and causing mayhem.  

She had proved that she was one of those recidivists, who, despite being given a second (and third) chance, could not handle freedom.  She's back in the slammer.

Until you learn your lesson, jailbird, you'll remain at Heartbreak Hotel.

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