Thursday, March 3, 2022

Big Gardening Weekend Ahead


The photo above is of our garden taken on March 1st.  In the foreground you can see a couple of broccoli that we're still picking florets off of.  We've eaten a bunch of broccoli this year.  Then you can see some dinosaur kale and some green kale.  Tricia has been juicing a lot of that.  Next are four rows of onions then a jungle of cilantro that is about to go to seed.  Then green onions, parsley, another row of broccoli, a few Cosmic red carrots, spinach, radishes and lettuce that is about to go to seed.  In a separate bed, I have some Irish Potatoes planted, but they've not sprouted yet.

This weekend we have a lot of work to do.  I will be incorporating some of the biochar we made into the soil.  We'll be picking a lot of the items I listed above and doing some planting.  Definitely corn, snap beans of several variety, a variety of cucumbers,  and several different types of squash.  If we have time, I'll figure out some additional items to plant.  Finally, we'll add more mulch to the garden (4 inches deep) to crowd out weed growth and conserve soil moisture.  It has been an unusually dry year so far.

Spring is upon us!  The weather is great.  Lows this weekend is 59 degrees and high of 82 degrees and it will be good to get outside and get our hands dirty.

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