Sunday, January 30, 2022

2021 Rainfall - By The Numbers

I've been running a little behind in the thing we normally compile in January, and that's the accounting of rainfall totals and egg production on Our Maker's Acres Family Farm for the previous year.  Tricia and I were talking about the fact that by midnight tomorrow, 1/12th of the year is already gone.  How can that be?  2021 was a year that will be remembered for Covid lockdowns.  You know what wasn't affected by the Covid Lock-down?  Rainfall and Egg Production.  The rain kept on falling.  The hens kept on laying.

Each day we keep detailed records of rainfall, egg production, and milk production.  It's very OCD, I know, but it is interesting to see trends year over year.  Yes, it can be a pain and very tedious doing this, but it keeps me off the streets and out of trouble (for the most part).  I follow a blogger from Florida that blogs about composting and gardening tips.  He and his family WEIGH all the produce he produces in his garden and posts the total each year.  It is in the thousands of pounds.  Maybe we'll do that?  Maybe not.

Let's take a look at total rainfall by month for 2021:

You'll note that we accumulated 66.6 inches of rainfall in 2021.  That was up 6.64 inches over last year.  The month with the most inches of rainfall was May.  The lowest was November.  The wettest and driest months of the year were totally different from last year as well as they were January and March, respectively.

As I look over the monthly rain logs, I see that it did not rain on the 30th day of any month in 2021.  Interesting.  We'll plan our picnics on the 30th in 2022.  January is already keeping the streak alive.  It did not rain today.

Now let's take a look at our compilation of 9 years worth of rainfall data:

You'll note that over 9 years, we are averaging 66.91 inches of rainfall or 5.58 feet of rainfall per year.  In 2021, we nailed the average.  On average, in our 9 year data collection period, the month of May is the wettest and the driest is November.  In 9 years, we've collected 602 inches of rainfall or 50 feet of rain.  At Our Maker's Acres Family Farm, we wish you showers of blessing in 2022!

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