Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Just In Time Delivery

Don't you like getting things in the mail?  Sure, we get emails and texts, and that is great.   But there's something special to walk out to the mailbox and open the door to the box to see what the mail carrier brought.  It's always a time of anticipation.  Don't get me wrong, junk mail, political mailers and bills can indeed throw some shade on checking the mail.  But there are good days for checking the mail.

Take yesterday, for example.  There was a box on the island where we always put incoming mail.  It was a USPS box that made me curious as to what it could be.

Well, immediately I saw that it was from Dixondale Farms in Carizzo Springs, Texas.  That means our onion order for 2022 had arrived.  I'm excited to get these planted.  This year I ordered 3 bunches of onion plants.  Each bunch contains between 50 - 75 onion plants in them.  So, we'll have roughly 200 onions this year, if the Good Lord's willing.  Each bunch costs $9.00, so that makes the cost about $0.12 per onion.  Dixondale Farms does a good job of sending you information on how to plant your onions for success.  Additionally, during the growing season, they provide you with emails on how to care for them at different growing stages, as well as harvesting and curing.  In looking at the materials, they are a family outfit, and I like that.

Since we are in the Southern region of the United States, we order the Short Day varieties.  These varieties are suited for 10 - 12 hours of sunlight.  I think I ordered the same amount of onion plants as last year, but this year I changed up one of the varieties.

I got two bunches of Short Day Samplers.  The Sampler package contains: Red Creole Onions, Texas Early White Onions, and 1015Y Texas Super Sweet Onions.  I have always liked samplers and this one gives you a good variety of onions that we love.  This year I added a bunch of Yellow Granex onions.  These are most popular sweet onions in America.  In fact, these are shipped to the growers of the famous sweet onions in Vidalia, Georgia.  I'm really looking forward to these!

We had our best onion harvest ever in 2021.  We cooked with them, made French Onion soup with them, and we also dried many jars of them and have in our pantry.  We used the last onion a few weeks ago.  So we're anxious to get these in the ground.  Once we get them planted, in 90-110 days, they'll be mature.  The earlier you plant them, the larger they'll grow.  We love onions!

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