Sunday, November 7, 2021

Pepe LePew RIP

We thought there was a pretty good chance that we had killed the skunk the other night when we shot it in the flower bed.  When it couldn't be found the next morning, I thought that one of two things happened.  Either it was wounded, and it drug itself off to die somewhere OR I missed the doggone thing.  As it turns out, the latter was true.

Tricia called me last week to tell me that the skunk was out in the back yard during the middle of the day.  Not good!  She wanted me to teach her how to load the rifle so she could take care of the thing.  For the next few days, we didn't see the skunk.  But Saturday we decided to go pick pecans.  As we rounded the southwest corner of the house, we saw the skunk not 20 feet away.  He didn't see us.  I quickly ran inside and got my .22 rifle.  

In no time at all, the skunk was dead.  Boy did that thing stink!

It was a little ol' thing, and I almost felt sorry for killing it, but I didn't want to get sprayed.  My wife had also reminded me that skunks carry rabies and when wild animals start acting strangely, like coming into the yard unafraid in the middle of the day, something is wrong. Maybe it had the rabies.  We don't know, but I knew I had to put it down.

One shot from my Marlin .22 lever action rifle did the trick.

We don't have to worry about getting sprayed by the skunk anymore.  Crazy stuff!  In just a few days, we killed two possums and a skunk.  RIP Pepe LePew. 

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