Monday, July 5, 2021

Random Photos and Thoughts

First things first.  I fixed the link on the Independence Day post from yesterday.  If you were unable to open it, I added a hyperlink that you can click on to view the video.  It is from Paul Harvey and it's very interesting.

Now, today's post is a little different.  I'll show a few photos and explain what's going on.  Normally, posts are topic-driven, but tonight is an outlier.  As the cucumber crop comes to a screeching halt with the high heat, we've been eating the harvested cukes in the vegetable crisper.  Most are eaten raw with olive oil and balsamic vinegar and sea salt and pepper, but Tricia did make a jar of lacto-fermented pickles.  It's simply cut up cucumbers pickled in whey.

Our pecan trees haven't made pecans in a couple of years.  I don't know if they are missing some nutrient or fertility or if the darned squirrels are just eating them all.  I do see little pecans in the trees.  Maybe we'll get some this year!  I will try to keep my eyes open for the squirrels, though.  It may turn out that I'll have to harvest a bunch of squirrels if I want to harvest a bunch of pecans.

Tricia made tacos the other night with homemade corn tortillas and sautéed garden squash on the side.  The squash weren't actually from our garden.  Our squash gave up the ghost after all the rain last month.  The tacos and squash were delicious! 

These weren't just any tacos.  They were lengua tacos - Beef Tongue from our bulls we had slaughtered.  They were very good.  They are tender and tasty.   

The eggplant are ready for picking.  We like to eat them fried and also make caponata with them.  They are pretty and purple. 

Finally, here is a Beauregard Sweet Potato in bloom.  You can't see anything above ground except for a lot of vines, but underground is where the work is getting done.  Sweet potato tubers are growing and they'll be ready for harvest this fall.

Just a few random photos tonight.  I hope all is well with your family.

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