Friday, July 30, 2021

Annnnddddd... We're Back!

Our Maker's Acres Family Farm has continued to operate (slowly), but Tricia and I have been on hiatus for over a week now.  A year and a half into this pandemic, we both tested positive for Covid-19, possibly the Delta Variant, although they're not really sure.  We both signed up for a free drive through test at our local Walgreens.  We drove up, got the test, shoved the stick deep into our nose and wiggled it until our eyes watered and gave it back.  In thirty minutes we checked our email account and got the results:

We both had different symptoms.  I had a splitting headache, but no fever or difficulty breathing - a feeling of light-headedness.  I just wanted to sleep all day - for days.  Tricia had a headache, fever, body aches and some shortness of breath.  

Now, I'll show you what we did.  As soon as symptoms showed up, we acted quickly.  We used the protocol by FLCCC Alliance (Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care):

  • Ivermectin (0.4 mg/kg one dose daily)
  • Vitamin D3 (4,000 IU/day)
  • Vitamin C (1,000 mg twice a day
  • Quercetin (250 mg twice a day)
  • Zinc (100 mg/day)
  • Aspirin (325 mg/day)

My preparedness-minded wife had stocked up on the Ivermectin from our local feed store.  You measure out the dosage into a spoon and choke the paste down - like a horse.  It doesn't taste good, but it doesn't taste bad either - just kind of strange.

Over 5-6 days of dosages, we went through a lot of it.  I tell people I have a craving for alfalfa and a desire to gallop around the house and winnie.  I assume those side effects will pass in time.

We feel like the protocol kept this thing at bay.  The other thing we did was the use of Nebulized Hydrogen Peroxide Tricia learned from Dr. Mercola.  We purchased a nebulizer and administered a solution of 0.1% hydrogen peroxide for 10-15 minutes hourly, breathing it deeply into our lungs through the nose.

We monitored our temperature, heart rate, and most importantly pulse ox to ensure we weren't getting into trouble.

There was a day (Day 6 for me and Day 8 for Tricia) we went to the local hospital out-patient room for an infusion (Regeneron).  I woke up with pleurisy and didn't want things to progress.  The doctor felt the infusion would bind the virus replication and not allow things to get any worse.  Tricia did the same thing two days later.

We will be on Day 10 of this thing tomorrow and feel mostly recovered.  Glad to have this behind us and blessed to have antibodies and T-cells that will give us immunity from Covid-19.

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