Thursday, January 28, 2021

Preparing the Blueberry Bushes for the Spring

 As we continue to harvest fruit from our citrus trees, our attention turns to taking care of our other fruit-bearing bushes nearby - Blueberries!  The first thing we've begun to do is dump coffee grounds around the base of all of our blueberry bushes.  Blueberries love acidic soil.  We've read that coffee is acidic and adding the grounds around the bushes will make the blueberries happy.  I've been bringing a bunch of used coffee grounds home from work for this purpose.  We'll see if this experiment is successful.

Our oldest son, Russ, has a degree in Horticulture.  He knows the name of every plant anywhere around and how to care for them too.  So we count on him for assisting in and providing knowledge toward care for our plants.  When he was here last Sunday, we asked him if he would help us prune the blueberries.  He showed us how to remove parts of the bush with pruning shears.

He removed some of the older growth, growth that crosses over other branches, as well as branches that don't look healthy.  I've never been a confident pruner.  The result of pruning the blueberry bushes was a cleaner-looking plant which should result in bigger berries.  Again, we'll see how that experiment works as well.  The animals in the pasture enjoyed the pruning experiment and are already calling it a rousing success.

Finally, I have to show a neat photo from our kitchen window.  If you look due east, you see a (not so picturesque) view of our neighbor's shop.  It just so happens that if you look through both openings of their shop, the view of a big white horse across the road is framed nicely in the photo with a red barn as the backdrop.

Have a great weekend!  I'll talk to you more on Sunday night.

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