Sunday, May 3, 2020

New Kid in Town 2020

The days are getting longer!  Now it is still daylight when I get home from work.  On April 27th, I was working in the garden after work and Tricia hollered at me from across the pasture, "Annie had a baby!"  I ran out to meet her and found Annie standing over her little kid.  In her previous three pregnancies, she's had triplets.  When she only had one on the ground, Tricia and I made a thorough search of the pasture, looking for her missing babies.

We found no additional babies.  Annie only had one baby this time.  The next thing we always check is the sex.  Did she have a buckling or a doeling.  We lifted the legs to find...  A Doeling!  Got a girl.  Good news.  I hope this carries over to the dairy cows.  We've had nothing but bulls for the last six pregnancies.

The little one is a strong little thing and got up on shaky legs and began nursing.

I picked up the little one and Annie followed us to the barn.  We wanted to make sure they had a clean, dry place for the night.  Annie delivered her placenta and began nudging the baby to drink more.  We stayed and watched to ensure that she got her colostrum so she'll be strong and her immune system healthy.

Little goats always bring such excitement to our little farm when they are born.  They are playful, mischievous, and personality by the boatload.  She was giving Tricia a kiss on the cheek right here.

We decided to name her Matilda and may call her "Matty" for short.  We'll just have to see if she grows into that nickname.  Welcome to Our Maker's Acres Family Farm, Matilda!

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