Friday, November 29, 2019

Give Thanks With a Grateful Heart

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.  1 Thessalonians 5:18
Today was a day for giving thanks.  When you think about it, everyday we should be giving thanks.  We are blessed.  I hope that you were able to fellowship with family as we did and enjoy each other's company, good food, and most importantly take time to that God for His provisions.

We met at our home and laughed and reminisced and told funny stories.  My beautiful wife did a great job cooking and preparing everything.  We ate far too much food and sat around the table and made the meal last for hours.

Getting ready to thank God for the food and our many blessings.  Then we'll feast!
Benjamin left early to get ready to hunt as he has a big duck hunt scheduled for first thing in the morning, so when we got ready to warm everything up again to eat supper, he was gone.  He missed out on the photos.  Here's Russ, my Mom, my Dad, and Laura Lee.  She drove in from Baton Rouge for the get-together.

Here's my Mom and Dad.  They brought two turkeys - one was roasted on a rotisserie over a hickory fire.  The other was fried.  Both were so delicious!

And here is four-fifths of our family.  Benjamin made it into the first photo, but missed the evening photos.

What a great Thanksgiving!  Thank you, Lord, for your blessings on me!

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