Monday, May 13, 2019

Three Kinds of Eggs For Breakfast

Our chickens continue to lay lots of beautiful eggs.  Always at this time of the year, we have an abundance of them.  We sell some, give away a bunch and eat a bunch.  If the eggs are clean and we didn't have to wash them, they'll hold without refrigeration for quite a while.  We keep them in a bowl on the side of the stove top.  I sat the bowl on the windowsill for a photo op.  For some reason, country eggs in a bowl is a nice picture.  I think it communicates simplicity.

Many people where we live have chickens in order to have a stockpile of fresh eggs.  But some of our friends and neighbors have other types of poultry they keep for eggs and meat as well.  Right down the road about three quarters of a mile away are some friends that have quail.  They gave us a couple of dozen of quail eggs the other day at church.  They come in a clear plastic container and the quail eggs are speckled and pretty.

Russ promptly popped one in the skillet for a miniature fried egg, over easy.  It was like an appetizer for breakfast.  You'd need to eat 4 or 5 to equal one chicken egg, I would think.

Our next door neighbors have recently gotten a number of ducks.  They brought us two eighteen count of duck eggs.  While we have a bunch of animals, we don't have ducks.  Duck eggs have higher protein than a chicken egg.  Higher good fat content and higher good cholesterol, too. While our chickens' eggs have a dark yolk, I found that duck eggs have an even darker colored yolk.  Overall, duck eggs are better for you than chicken eggs.

Duck Eggs
Here is a comparison of the three types of eggs.  In my left hand below is the duck egg (left), chicken egg (middle), and quail egg (right).

This weekend, due to the generosity of our neighbors and friends, Tricia made us triple scrambled eggs for breakfast, made with duck, chicken and quail eggs, with a little onion and tomato cooked with them.  What shall we call this creation?  Quaducken? 

Eggstra-special breakfast
Whatever it is called, they were delicious!  It's good to have good neighbors that share their bounty with you.

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