Tuesday, April 9, 2019

A Garden Pest

This afternoon I picked a couple heads of cabbage and brought them into the kitchen.  Bad idea!  Not bad to bring the cabbage in, as we love cabbage.  It was bad to bring them in without spraying them OFF real good with a hose outside.  The outer green leaves of the heads of cabbage harbored a bunch of snails.   Snails were all over the kitchen counter.  Snails are a bad garden pest at this time of year.

Snails are herbivores and love to eat garden produce.  Cabbage appears to be their favorite.  I took a few pictures of the slow moving garden pest as he sat atop the fence post going into the garden.  I suspect from his vantage point he was scoping out which produce he was going to have for supper!:

Up close, the snail is a strange, alien creature.  They move about (slowly) on a slide of mucous that they make.

He'd better not push his luck, though.  His top speed is 1.3 centimeters per second.  I can catch him.  The 'eater' may become the 'eaten.'  Garden snails are edible, you know.  He doesn't have to worry about me eating him, however.  Speaking of slow...  I'm going to slowly slide off to bed.  I'm tired.

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