Sunday, March 3, 2019

Saturday Morning

Saturday morning it was foggy and overcast with light rain.  I had coffee with Tricia and then headed outside to milk the cows and open up the laying boxes for the hens.  We close up the laying boxes in the afternoon so that at night when they roost, they don't poop in the clean hay that lines their nests.  It makes cleaning up the eggs SO much easier.  The only issue is that if you wait too long in the morning to open them up, they'll lay eggs on top and the eggs roll off and end up getting broken.

Speaking of broken eggs, when I came in from milking I had a fried egg flavored with fresh cilantro from the garden and a slice of toast with butter and honey.  Not a bad way to start the day. We have some good friends coming over for a visit in the afternoon so Tricia was busy making meatballs for a meatball stew.  I was contemplating several items that I wanted to get done in the garden and at the barn.  Most, however, required the ground to be a lot drier than it was, so those tasks will have to wait for another day.

As I was finishing up my breakfast, I heard very loud music outside rattling the windows and wondered what all the ruckus was.  Then I saw flashing lights outside the window...

It was the police escort for Mardi Gras!  Country Mardi Gras is a lot different from the glamorous, elaborate floats you see in the floats in New Orleans.  These floats are trailers that have been fitted out with rusty tin creating a rustic cabin look, complete with a Port-A-Potty and a barbecue pit.  Each of the floats have sound systems that blare music that the people packing the floats dance to.  The floats were bouncing up and down from all of the dancing going on.

Here is a float called Krewe De Brew.  There were numerous floats with clever names and different themes and designs, but all were the same in that the people on the floats were all dancing and carrying on and seemed to be having a good time.

We finished up our breakfast as we watched the floats pass by.  I actually did get some items harvested from the garden.  I'll show you what I picked tomorrow. 

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