Thursday, October 25, 2018

As Slow as Molasses

I haven't looked at rainfall totals for the year yet, so it is too early to draw any conclusions, but I can tell you this: We had a VERY wet September.  October is usually our driest month of the year, but not this year.  It seems the ground will never dry up!  It has really delayed me from getting in the garden, working up the soil and getting the fall crops planted.  Comparing with previous years, at this time the crops are already growing nicely.  Not this year!  They aren't even in the ground!  My garden progress is moving slower than molasses in the wintertime.
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As the clock ticks and the days get shorter, I have fewer and fewer hours of daylight to get things done in the afternoon.  On about 20% of the garden, I have to dig sweet potatoes prior to pulling up rows and planting.  That has been priority 1.  Each afternoon when I get home, I've been pulling up sweet potato vines to feed to the cows and have been turning over the soil with a heavy garden fork and harvesting sweet potatoes.  I've been digging until I can't see any more.  I think I should be able to finish tomorrow night or Saturday morning. 

I'll post photos of the garden and the progress that gets done.  The weather is supposed to (finally) clear up and get nice this weekend.  I'm looking forward to getting everything done.  I'll take lots of photos and will have plenty (I hope) to talk about next week.

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