Sunday, September 23, 2018

It Rained So Much, It Broke Our Rain Gauge!

He provides rain for the earth; he sends water on the countryside.  Job 5:10

September has been the wettest month this year and it isn't even close.  It rains every single day.  I really wanted to get some gardening done this weekend, but the stormy skies did not cooperate.  I was unable to work up and land or do any planting.  Perhaps tomorrow or the next day, Ill show you what I was able to do.  I couldn't even tell how much it rained as my rain gauge has waved the white flag and surrendered.  Here is what the old rain gauge looks like:

Not gonna catch much rain water like this.
I had to estimate the rainfall for the day.  We try to keep real accurate records to compare year over year rainfall and monthly rainfall totals.  I figured it was high time to get a new rain gauge.  During my lunch break on Friday, I visited Tractor Supply Company and found a bigger rain gauge for only $3.16!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

The holes on the rain gauge where the mounting screws were positioned is a hair outside the width of the 4x4 post that I want to mount it on.  I fixed that issue by mounting a couple 1x4s to the post and it made a nice area to mount it on.

I only have one slight improvement that I'll make to the rain gauge.  Many times while it is raining I like to see how much it has rained so far.  I think that by painting the 1x4s that the rain gauge is mounted on a darker color, it will be easier to read the rainfall amount.

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