Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Two Varieties of Corn for the Garden This Year

Our sweet corn is popping up in the plot that I have worked up in the side lot.  I added some lime to the soil this year to hopefully allow the nutrients locked in the soil to be used by the plants.  This variety is called "Gotta Have It" sweet corn.  It is hybrid, but is non-GMO.  It has high reviews and I can't wait to see how it produces.  I was enjoying my evening after work as the breeze blew and the afternoon sun reflected off the new corn leaves.

I'm excited about trying this new variety.  I planted the corn a little early this year and look forward to pulling a fresh ear off the stalk and eating the sweet corn raw while standing right there in the garden.  There's nothing like it.

But I'm even more excited about another variety of corn I'm trying for the first time.  I've stated before that I don't really grow many flowers as I enjoy growing things that I can eat.  But what if I told you that there are beautiful, colorful things to grow that are ALSO good to eat?  I found one of those items within the pages of the Rareseeds catalog that Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds puts out.

Glass Gem Corn!  Check out the photo on the seed packet below.  I couldn't pass that up.  The caption says both decorative and edible.

So in another place in the garden far from the sweet corn, I worked up a row where I'll plant the Glass Gem Corn and poured the contents of the seed packet into my hand.  Wow!  Isn't that beautiful?

A rainbow of colors all on one ear of corn.  As this variety grows and produces, I'll show you actual photos.  I'm a sucker for novelty things like this.  I'm very curious to see if the actual corn that I harvest looks like the one on the seed packet or if that photo was photo-shopped!

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