Thursday, March 8, 2018

Spring is Splendid

For the last two days, the weather has been gorgeous!  They gloomy grey skies broke and were replaced by blue skies, sunshine, and drying out ground, assisted by a north breeze.  Spring means babies and Tricia was able to let the triplets out of the barn and out into the pasture where they soaked in some sunshine and took a nap.  They were nestled in a little pile.  We checked on Luna, our next Jersey that will be calving.  You can see her udder beginning to swell.  She is due in early April.

Kids in a Pile
One of my favorite parts of spring is the fragrance that is in the air.  I'm talking about citrus blooms!  I know that I talk about this every single year, but orange blossoms are a truly heavenly scent.  At dusk, if you walk outside and inhale deeply, the sweet scent of orange blossoms fill the air.

Navel Orange Blossoms
Our citrus trees are located on the south side of the house and this somewhat protects them from the cold northern winds of winter.  As soon as the cold days fade, blooms fill the trees.  Below are the blooms of a tangerine tree.  Many of these flowers will turn into fruit.  Some will, of course, fall off the trees as the trees simply could not carry all of the fruit to maturity.

But these are not the only flowers around.  Although they have no fragrance that I can detect, the blueberry bushes are filled with blooms as well and these will turn into blueberries that we will be picking this summer.

Our inventory of blueberries in the freezer is quickly depleting, so we will be very happy when these flowers turn into berries.

This weekend if the weather cooperates, we will be outdoors enjoying spring and perhaps planting corn, beans, cucumbers and squash.  The list is always longer than the hours available, though!  Get out and enjoy spring!

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