Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Showing Clarabelle

On Saturday morning we woke up early and got the morning chores done and then drove to Lake Charles for the Southwest District Livestock Show.  Benjamin would be showing Clarabelle and the show started promptly at 8 am.  We had to get to the barn earlier to feed, hay and water her and to re-groom her. Cows have a propensity to lie in their own poop overnight.  We checked the judging sheets to learn that Jerseys would be showing last. 

Clarabelle's udder was full of milk and began to drip, but we can't put Astro, her little bull calf, on her until the show was over.  Her bag was tight and she moo'd a little bit for Astro as Benjamin walked Clarabelle to the arena.  Tricia spoke calmly to Clarabelle to relax her.  It is important, especially in Showmanship, that the animals are well-behaved.

Benjamin chatted with his Dairy Showing buddies to pass the time while the Holsteins, Ayrshires, Brown Swiss, Guernseys, and AOB and Commercial showed.  Running around having a good time during the shows and missing school are a couple things I fondly remember about the shows when I was younger.

Finally, it was time to get in the ring.  The judge surveyed the animals and paced back and forth in the Jersey Division...

He did the same thing in the Showmanship Competition, except this time he judged the exhibitor.  The judge is always helpful and gets on the microphone and gives praise and constructive criticism to make everyone better.

In the end, Benjamin won Reserve Champion Louisiana Bred Jersey and second place in his Showmanship age division.  We had him pose with Clarabelle and his rosettes for a picture. 

The shows are fun, but they tend to be long days.  We weren't released until almost 8 pm that night.  Clarabelle and Astro took advantage of the "down time" and rested.

Astro was doing what I wanted to do.  Z-Z-Z-Z-Z.....

When released, we loaded the animals up and got them home around 9:15 pm, unloaded them, and unpacked all the showing supplies.  This weekend we travel to Gonzales, Louisiana for the State Livestock Show.

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