Thursday, January 11, 2018

The (House) Coat of Many Colors Quilt

Beginning in Genesis 37 and proceeding through the end of the book, there is a wonderful story about overcoming adversity.  It is a story about having great faith and persevering even when things look bleak.  It is a story about patience and blessing and restoration.  It is also a story about a father's great love for his son.  Jacob made his son, Joseph, a "coat of many colors" and presented it to him.  It was probably an ill-advised move, as it showed favoritism and his other brothers began to hate him.  If you ever feel that you have a dysfunctional family, you need to read this story!  It will make you feel better.  The coat of many colors started a daisy chain of events that causes Joseph's life to go from bad to worse, but the story finally culminates with a happy family reunion, great blessing and shows that God has a plan even when things seem bleak.

I was thinking about the story of Joseph today and thought, "I have a coat of many colors" too!  My maternal grandmother, whom we called "Bumby" always wore what she called "housecoats."  To me they were like a gown or a robe.  Bumby also called the couch or sofa a "davenport."  Bumby was quite a lady and I have many fond memories of her.  Bumby passed away almost 12 years ago, but I always like to keep memories of loved ones alive, and so it was with great pleasure that my Mom & Dad presented me with Bumby's "Housecoat of many colors" quilt.

Mom gathered a bunch of Bumby's housecoats, cut the fabric and had a quilt made out of them.  I think it was a fantastic idea.  You can see it below:

We keep it on our bed during the cold months and as I look at the quilt, I can recall Bumby wearing the housecoats represented by each square of fabric as she made us cinnamon toast and served us Rice Krispies with sugar sprinkled on top as we'd eat breakfast in her den on TV trays.  I remember her laughter and funny faces she'd make.  I remember how she'd make us pimento cheese sandwiches and prepare games for us to play in the car to keep us occupied on family vacations.

I'm grateful that I have the House Coat of Many Colors Quilt to help keep Bumby's memory alive.  The quilt keeps us warm and provides us with warm memories, too.

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