Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Rosie (Soon!)

Here is a nice picture of Rosie, our Jersey milk cow.  This was taken on a nice day. Today the weather (thanks to the remnants of Hurricane Harvey) is not so nice. Lots of mud and rainwater everywhere!

The weather has been pretty bad.  When I neared home this afternoon, there was a tornado that touched down about a mile from the house.  It didn't damage anything as it touched down in the middle of a field.  I changed clothes, put on my rubber boots and headed out to feed the wet chickens, wet goats and wet cows.  The cows didn't even come into the barn.  They were busy eating grass out in the pasture.

The cows tend to enjoy rainy weather as it drops the temperature so that they can partake in their favorite hobby in comfort - eating grass.  It began to rain harder and harder so I didn't walk out to see how the cows were doing.  Tricia asked me when I came inside to eat supper if I had inspected Rosie. "No," I told her, "they didn't come in and the weather was too nasty to go out and see her."  The reason she wanted me to check on her is that Back in this Post we told you about getting the cows palpated.

When our vet came over, he told us that Rosie was bred.  We calculated that she was bred on December 8th and that gives her a due date of September 8th.  Rosie is getting close to having a baby calf.  Wouldn't you know it the weather is miserable out there and tomorrow the weakened storm that has caused so many to the west of us so much misery will be passing directly over us.  I don't want her to calve in the middle of a storm!

Yesterday, I did check on Rosie and I could not see her bags swelling up or other signs like her vulva getting "floppy."  Benjamin doesn't have school tomorrow so I'll have him go check Rosie out.  We always want to be ready in the event that there is any trouble during calving.  Hopefully in just a few days we'll have a new baby on Our Maker's Acres Family Farm.  As always, were hoping we get a heifer!  We will keep you posted.

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