Sunday, March 12, 2017

Springing Forward

A wise person once told me to NEVER seek employment that is east of where you live.  The reason?  You'll be commuting to work in the morning with the sun in your eyes and then commuting back home in the afternoon with the sun in your eyes. Even though I wear sunglasses and use my sun visor, it is still an annoyance for sure.

Here is my morning commute down I-10 toward Lafayette:

And here is what I see as I turn off of Highway 26 in the afternoon...

As the last photo evidences, there's not much time to do any gardening, chores with the animals or knock anything off the 'to-do' list before it gets dark.  That changed today with Daylight Saving Time.  Now when I get home, I can get some things done!  The spring garden isn't going to plant itself!

Of course, I'll still get to enjoy some nice sunsets, but I'll get to enjoy them leaning against a shovel instead of behind the wheel in a car.

With the extra daylight this week, I'll try to:
*transplant all the tomatoes into the garden,
*move the cows through the yard to eat the remaining winter grass,
*mow/mulch the leaves and weeds in the yard & move it to the garden compost pile,
*plant some corn, beans, squash, cucumbers, etc.

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