Sunday, November 13, 2016

Vitamin C Supplements for Rosie

Rosie is one of our Jersey Cows that has an affinity for oranges and tangerines. Most of our citrus trees border the north fence of the pasture behind our house.  We planted them there strategically as they are on the southernmost part of the yard and our home provides a break from the north winds. So anytime we are walking near the citrus trees, Old Rosie will ease up to the fence and begin begging. I am convinced that her tactics in begging have been studied and implemented by professional panhandlers.

When the navel oranges fall off the tree and have a blemish, I'll take the fruit and jam it on the top of a t-post to split it open.  Then I'll break it in half.  At this point Rosie can hardly contain herself. She's pacing around and leaning her neck over the barbed wire fence as far as she can stretch.

I cut the oranges in half because some of them are quite large, and I don't want Rosie to choke.  She grabs the orange out of my hand and makes quick work of it, turning it around it her mouth and chewing it to get the tasty, sweet juice out of it.

She keeps rolling it around on her black tongue (this is one of the traits of Jersey cows) until she's extracted all of the orange juice.

Then she swallows it and is ready for another one.  The funny thing about it is that she will then lick down my hands and arm that are covered with the sticky orange juice from when I cut the orange open.  Her tongue feels like sandpaper on my arms.  If she could get loose in the yard, I'm convinced she would strip the orange tree bare!  I'll toss her a few now and then, but I need to try to remind her that the hay is for her - the citrus is for us!

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