Sunday, June 8, 2014

Goat-proof Fence?

A few weekends ago our goats broke down the welded wire fence that separated our garden from the pasture.  They feasted along with the calf in our garden.  I don't really blame them. I'd do the same if I was them. Vegetables taste better than grass, I'm sure.  The lesson I learned from that is that you have to have the proper fencing for goats.  I did not have that.  I was using a very light 48 inch tall welded wire fence. Nellie had stood up on the fence and just her weight broke the welds.  I patched it, but her persistence eventually enabled her to break it down.

After doing some research I found the proper fencing at Tractor Supply Company and purchased a roll of heavy gauge 48" 4x4 wire fencing that is specifically made for Sheep and Goats.  The 4x4 holes are too small for them to get their heads through and the heavier gauge fence will not break under the goat's weight. So we picked up a 330 foot roll and over the last two Saturdays we were able to break down the old fence, erect the new one in its place and get the first sunburn of the season.  It was hot!

Impenetrable, I hope
Here is the old welded wire fence that we pulled down.  I am planning to cut out the sections that Nellie ruined and throw it away.  Then I'll use the remainder of the good fence to add to the top of the existing fence that separates the pasture from the neighbor's yard.  The goats have been standing up on the fence and craning their necks over and eating the neighbor's plants.  That has got to stop.  Extending the height to six feet should dampen their resolve.  We'll see.

Welded wire that I intend on salvaging
Here is a close up of the welded wire fence and you can see quickly how Nellie the goat was able to break this fence down.

Not Nellie-proof
We finished the fencing this afternoon and put a strand of barbed wire on the very top to discourage rubber-necking.

The new fence is up
I'm thinking that this fence is going to do the job, but we'll watch the animals very closely as they examine the new fence and try to breach it.  Hopefully, this will fence will do the job and we can spend our weekends doing more enjoyable things from here on out.

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