Friday, April 11, 2014

Orange Crush

This is a photograph of the blacktop road that runs in front of our house.  There's no stripes in the middle, no paved shoulder and and the little road has its fair share of potholes.  I think the speed limit is 35, but the sign keeps getting knocked down, so I can't verify it with any certainty.  Most people still wave as they pass by if you're in the front yard.  One time our cows got out and I had several people turn into our driveway to alert me.  Friendly neighbors.  That's not to say that we don't have a problem with litterbugs and we have had our mailbox knocked down about 10 years ago by someone during a weekend of mischief.

The Road that we live on
Speaking of mischief, but way more harmless mischief that didn't involve destruction of property, the other afternoon when I drove home I was greeted to the following sight on our road:

Orange Crush
I wondered what was going on and then I looked over and saw Benjamin and his neighbor friend hiding, giggling and laughing, watching people's reactions as they drove over lots of oranges that the boys had stacked across the road.  The neighbor's satsuma trees had a bunch of satsumas that were still on the trees when the big freeze came through this year and ruined them.  So the boys pulled the remaining oranges off the trees and instead of just throwing them away, they decided to do something like what I might have done when I was their age and figured out a more creative way of disposing the oranges.

Flattened Oranges
So here's to country boys finding a "auto" mated way (sorry for the pun) to make orange juice!  Much better than sitting inside on the couch playing video games, right?

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