Sunday, October 6, 2013

Surprise Lilies or (spider lilies)

At this time of year, there's some pretty flowers popping up in certain parts of the yard.  They are called Surprise lilies.  I've heard some people also call them spider lilies.  The name surprise lily fits them nicely because they surprise you when they come up.  Lots of times you'll see them at old home places or cemeteries and they tend to bloom in late summer (September - October).

Surprise, Surprise!
They'll come up from nothing.  Most of the year there is no foliage - nothing to let you know that a bulb with a spectacularly beautiful blossom is waiting, just below ground level, to pop up and beautify your yard.

A 'clump' of surprise lilies in the crepe myrtle bed
I took a few pictures this afternoon of the stunning blooms of the surprise lily:

If you want to re-plant them, it is best to dig up the bulb after they've bloomed, because most of the year they are hiding.
Surprise Lilies
We have them planted in several beds and they'll pop up and really make the bed sparkle with the distinctive red blooms and really long stamens.  Although I'd much rather grow things that are edible, these don't require any work.  They do their own thing and come up like clockwork year after year.

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