Saturday, October 19, 2013

Harvesting Dixie Speckled Butter Peas

This morning it was nice and cool and I was weeding the garden and saw that I needed to do some harvesting of some Dixie Speckled Butterpeas.  These are some baby limas that are really good.  You can see in the photo that there are numerous blooms on them, showing that there are more on the way.

Blooms on the baby limas
I zoomed in to show how they really load up with pods.  The pods will have anywhere from 1 to 4 peas in them.

Pods on the baby limas
I have a whole row of them that I had planted in the Spring, but because of the hot, dry summer, this is the first harvest I've gotten off of them, which is odd since they are supposed to thrive in hot weather.

These butter beans are really plump and they are very easy to shell.  In no time I had shelled the entire bucket of butter beans.
Plump, tasty, Butter beans
As I shelled them, I threw the pods into the compost bucket, of course, so that I can go incorporate it into the compost pile in the garden.  Much like marriage, your soil gets better with what you put into it.

The compost bucket
You've got to put in more that what you take out to achieve success!

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