Sunday, July 14, 2013

Making Homemade Ice Cream!

From time to time, having two cows in milk puts us in an awkward position of having too much milk on hand and we just can't drink it all in a week.  What to do?  What to do?  Well, we generally make homemade ice cream.  Is there anything that can put a smile on your face quicker than homemade ice cream?

Benjamin is the ice cream maker at our house and has the recipe memorized so that he doesn't even need to look at it anymore. 

He uses:
  • 3 fresh eggs (make sure they are chilled first)
  • 1/2 cup sugar

To the eggs and sugar, he'll add:
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
Wisk it all up
Then, Benjamin pours in 4 cups fresh cream and milk from our old girl, Daisy

Blend all this together
We never do this, ya'll.  Normally, we'll stop here with the recipe and make vanilla ice cream and top it with whatever fresh fruit we have.  But tonight Benjamin had a secret ingredient to add to the ice cream - bite sized Butterfinger candy bars.  We chopped them up with a knife prior to stirring them into the mix.

Adding a little something extra tonight
Finally pour the ice cream mix into the ice cream maker.  This little ice cream maker has made many, many gallons of ice cream.  We have gotten our money's worth out of this machine, for sure!

Plug it in and the little ice cream maker will have plenty of delicious ice cream ready to eat in about 20 minutes.

You'll hear the motor make a different sound, straining a little more, and you'll know that it is time to gather round and get the bowls and spoons ready.

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream
I present to you Benjamin's Bowl of Butterfinger ice cream.

Homemade Butterfinger ice cream
As the photo below indicates, I think we solved the problem of having excess milk!

It's all gone!

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