Saturday, June 1, 2013

A Spiritual Cleansing

If you click on the link below, it will bring you to a short video that I ran across.  I thought it was good.  With each passing day, I grow more and more disenchanted with politicians of either stripe.  It seems as if this world has been turned upside down.  It feels like we've broken loose from our moorings and our ship is drifting out in perilous waters where the rocks are.  Everyone is looking for the captain to steer us back into a safe harbor.  The captain, whatever captain we have at the helm, can't seem to get the ship turned around.  In fact the ship seems to be speeding toward the rocks now.  In whom can we put our trust?  What can we do?  In this video, I think Rand Paul knocks it out of the park.  I also posted the transcript below, if you can't view the video.

Rand Paul says America needs a spiritual cleansing

Senator Rand Paul: “I think it’s important that people know that for the country to get better it needs more than just politicians. Politicians aren’t enough and it needs resurgence through churches, through revivals through a spiritual cleansing of the people."

Senator Rand Paul: “Changing a particular law is not going to make us a better people but that comes from the people themselves.”

Senator Rand Paul: “I don’t want people to think that salvation comes through elected leaders. It doesn’t.”

Senator Rand Paul:  “What’s the number one cause of poverty in America? It’s having kids before you’re married. Can you have a law to prevent that? I don't think any law even if you did have a law couldn't prevent it from happening. We have to convince kids that it's a big huge mistake not only from a religious point of view but from an economic point of view that it's not a good idea to have kids before you're married. The hard part is then people say you’re harsh and you’re against single moms. Well, I’m not against single moms. I just want to talk to them before they become the single mom. I want to talk to them when they’re 17 years old and convince them wait, get married and your life will be better and it’s a better way to do things.”

Senator Rand Paul: "People say you shouldn't talk about moral issues. Well, I think there are moral issues that no law will be able to fix but there's no reason why a political leader can't also have some impact in moral issues that really the law may not be able to fix but maybe by me saying that the marriage unit, the marriage unit, the family unit is an important structure, it's been with us for thousands of years and we shouldn't give up on that."
I think he's onto something.  Politicians aren't going to save us.  They can't.  They are flawed just as we are.  The morass we find ourselves in is not going to be resolved by a politician's agenda or plan.  Our only hope is in Christ and until we remember what our knees are for, humble ourselves and repent, we will continue down this hard road.

If you think about it, there were bad times, crooked politicians, and needy people when Jesus walked the earth.  He didn't tell people to look for government to save them.  Instead He sought to change men's hearts, knowing that true faith, a spiritual cleansing, could do more to revive a people and a nation than any ruler or king.
Thus says the Lord,
“Stand by the ways and see and ask for the ancient paths,
Where the good way is, and walk in it;
And you will find rest for your souls. - Jeremiah 6:16

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